Monday 19 February 2018

Meetings 2018

A committee meeting was held on 19th March 2018
Committee Present
Roy James, Sue James, Ruth Roberts, Jill Roberts, Tony Brinsden, Neville Ruff, Gwenda Jones, Kevin Caley, Barbara Sinclair and Mary Megarry
Anthony Bevan, Jill Roberts, Fran Rayner, Polly Raymond and John James.
Matters arising
100 Club
 Balance in 100 club £531.11
The sixth draw was made during the meeting
1st prize £30 No. 62 Margaret Brinsden
2nd prize £20 No. 55 Charles Carter
3rd prize £12.50 No. 39 John and Hazel James
Novembers prize money to Jean Mortimer, has been kindly donated by her family to hall funds.
£378 which will be 50% of 100 club income will be transferred to the current account at the end of March.
This year we had 63 members, Mary has prepared and printed 50 new membership forms and as the new year for 100 club begins in April we will need to collect subscriptions from members who pay by cash or cheque and must try to encourage new members.

Financial Situation –
All bills received have been paid.
Direct debit payments for SWEB, Welsh Water, and PAVS membership are due in March, also there was a small amount of £23.36 to be paid for 70th anniversary expenses.
A letter from HSBC has been received regarding change of name, to HSBC Bank UK.
Village Newsletter and Website – No issues with the website.

Deadline for newsletter items is mid April. Ruth now has 21 advertisers and will be collecting fees in the coming weeks, the £380 revenue this generates now pays for the annual printing costs. One advertiser will not be renewing for the coming year.
Ruth had also prepared a list of items to be included for April.

Tributes - John to write a tribute for his mum Winifred, Maureen to be included on the history page, Tony will write a piece for the gentleman at Rose Acre, and we will ask Mollie for a contact for Betty James.

External and Internal Maintenance – The repair above the emergency exit door and above the window in the kitchen have been completed, and account with Simon Eggington paid.
The electrical inspection is due and Peter Brace has been contacted.
Neville reported that on a few occasions his club had found a hot water tap left running in the ladies toilet, wasting both water and heat, Roy will change the tap washer.

Old School Garden, Claypits and Mountain Chapel – A maintenance day at the Old School Garden has been planned for Wednesday 21st, Roy asked for volunteers to help. The Clay Pits will be tackled later in the spring.
Tony already cuts the grass at Mountain chapel and John James the clay pits on a regular basis.

Community Walks
Next walks as follows;
24thMarch Llawhaden
28th April Johnstown Nigel Bailey
May ?
30th June Cilgerran ?
22nd July Castlemartin booking essential as only 20 places.
29th September Llanddewi Velfrey Nigel Bailey
For more information on any of the above, contact Jill Roberts on 01834 831142 or visit the Llanteg village website (

Main hall lighting- The Awards for all application had been submitted, however we have had a response from the Head of Funding, stating our application has not met particular criteria now required before funding is awarded, briefly, we need to prove we have involved the community through consultation, and why our building matters to them.
We will prepare another application following the guidelines more thoroughly.

Anniversary Celebrations 2018 - This event was held on 14th January, with a large number of people attending, Information boards, and scrapbooks were on display, and enjoyed by all.
£50 was raised from a Raffle.

Defibrillator -.Tony Wall demonstrated some basic First Aid, CPR, choking and bandaging, on the 7th February 2018. This was attended by a small number of people, we could repeat this training in 12-18 months, encouraging all hall users to come along.

PLANED are holding a series of Pembrokeshire Community Buildings Network events, Sue, Roy and Mary volunteered to attend if they could.

Forthcoming Events
Jo Cox get together this year will be 24th June, following the same format as last year, also we could
utilise display boards to let people know of the various activities at the hall, each group setting up a board with information, New Life Church, Bowls clubs, History Society, Book club. etc
Fun Day this year will be 29th July, with money raised to Air Ambulance and First Responders.

Any Other Business

Kevin gave the committee an outline of his proposed Butterfly project
on land adjacent to the hall.
During the process of his planning application the matter of access and egress on to the main road has to be addressed, the Committee felt that the project would be an asset to the area, and with that in mind some possible changes could be made to the hall car park entrance and exit.
Planning application at Llanteg filling station, a meeting had been held by the Community Council to discuss this matter, in time for any correspondence to be forwarded to the Planning dept to meet the deadline for comments.
WI-FI, Mary felt a connection to WI-FI would help to encourage more user groups, this matter to be looked into re suppliers in our area.

Monday 21st May 2018 @ 7.30pm

A committee meeting was held on 9th January 2018

Committee Present
Sue James, Ruth Roberts, Fran Rayner, Jill Roberts, Polly Raymond, John James , Anthony Bevan, Tony Brinsden and Mary Megarry  


Roy James, Neville Ruff and Gwenda Jones.

Matters arising

100 Club – Balance in 100 club £591.51
The fifth draw was made during the meeting
1st  prize  £30        No. 71 Lowri Brinsden
2nd prize  £20        No. 19 Poppy James
3rd prize  £12.50    No. 4  Joan Robinson
We still need to pay last Novembers prize money to Jean Mortimer’s estate, John will make enquiries with her nephew Bill.
A transfer of 50% of 100 club income will be transferred to current account at the end of March.

Financial Situation
Village Newsletter and Website – No issues with the website.
Deadline for newsletter items is mid April. Ruth now has 21 advertisers and the £380 revenue this generates now pays for the annual printing costs.

External and Internal Maintenance – The repair above the emergency exit door and above the window in the kitchen are still pending, Sue has reminded Simon.

Old School Garden, Claypits and Mountain Chapel – Community Council chairman Stephen Phillips is now in communication with  Pembrokeshire County Council regarding responsibility of these areas.

Community Council had paid a sum of £1 to the United Reform Church for the Mountain Chapel and CC had been paying £15 for cutting the grass in the graveyard.

Community Walks -Next walks as follows;
27th January        Botanical Gardens     2pm                              Nigel Bailey
24th February       East Williamston        2pm
31st March           Llawhaden
28th April             Johnstown                                                      Nigel Bailey
May ?
30th June             Cilgerran ?
22nd July              Castlemartin
29th September   Llanddewi Velfrey                                           Nigel Bailey

For more information on any of the above, contact Jill Roberts on 01834 831142 or visit the Llanteg village website (

Main hall lighting- Sue is in process of completing the Awards For All grant application forms, no formal estimates are required, however the two signatories need to be unrelated, these to be the Secretary, and Chair or Treasurer.

Anniversary Celebrations 2018 -  Ruth has prepared posters, a feature in the local newspaper and items for the display boards and made Welsh/English/1940’s bunting, and table decorations and purchased replica prizes for the grand opening in 1948, committee offered donations for raffle prizes, bottles of wine, biscuits and chocolates.  Polly has music of that era. We will provide teas and coffees.
Helpers to meet at 5.30pm on the 14th January.

Defibrillator -.Tony Wall is able to demonstrate some basic First Aid, CPR, choking and bandaging, on the 7th  February 2018. Ruth will put this on Facebook and in the paper.
Our local PCSO’s had raised funds for the defibrillators in the area by undertaking a bike ride from Snowdon to Tenby.

Any Other Business

Mary reported that the reading group was still well attended and now meets usually on the 2nd Tuesday
in the month 7.30pm at the Wanderers Rest.

Ruth will contact the yoga teacher who holds classes in Whitland as we no longer have Piloxing on a
Wednesday, it may be something members of the community would be interested in.

New Years Eve celebrations at the Wanderers had been well supported.

Forthcoming Events

Fun Day this year will be 29th July, with money raised to Air Ambulance and First Responders.

Monday 12th March 2018 @ 7.30pm

Tuesday 9th January 2018
Sue James,Tony Brinsden, John James, Jill Roberts, Polly Raymond, Ruth Roberts, Fran Rayner, Anthony Bevan and Mary Megarry.

Roy James, Neville Ruff and Gwenda Jones,

Sue James chaired the meeting in Roy’s absence.

Minutes of Previous AGM
These were confirmed.

Treasurer’s Report

Chairman’s Report

Llanteg Village Hall Chairman’s Report 2017

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, my thanks to you all for attending the AGM and more importantly for the support and time you’ve all given during 2017 all of which is much appreciated.

I express thanks to our Treasurer Mary for her thorough financial statement and for all her hard work on our behalf. Personally, I hope that Mary continues in this role in the forthcoming year.

My thanks go to our Secretary Sue James for the efficient manner in which she carries out her duties, and ensuring things run smoothly.

In addition, my appreciation goes to Ruth Roberts as our Publicity Officer for all her work and good ideas, especially for the work she puts into the village web site and news letter. The latter is now almost  self financing and since it is now printed in colour, with graphics available for advertisers, it has become a very effective means of communicating with all of our community!

My appreciation for the entire committee’s enthusiasm and efforts over the past year, since without you, this hall could not survive.

As for hall finances:

Income from hall is slightly down on the previous year ( £3736/ £3,861), our net profit has fallen (£508/£991)due to roof repairs.
The 100 club remains an important part of our income stream and thanks go out to all who support it, don’t forget “you’ve got to be in it to win it”. Due to increased membership our prizes have now increased.

Therefore a huge thanks to our very loyal supporters; Llanteg and Badgers short mat bowls clubs, Llanteg History Society, and New Life Church. Along with those who support us by holding functions and meetings etc.  here, thanks to you all.

Turning to the community:

In the summer the second “Llanteg Fun Day” was held at Rose Cottage and was organised by Jo and Polly Raymond, raising an amazing £2790 for the Welsh Air Ambulance Service. We all had a great day and crowds turned up to make it a resounding success. Well done Jo and Polly, this is what community spirit is all about, huge thanks to you and everyone else who worked to make this possible.

In September our monthly drop in took the form of a Macmillan Coffee Morning, it was hosted by Jeni from The Wanderers Rest, who supplied delicious cakes and raffle prizes, and with her second event at The Wanderers in the afternoon a grand total of £153.50 was raised for Macmillan. Thanks to Jeni for all her hard work.

Many thanks to John James, who throughout the year spends time cutting grass and weeding at both the Village Green and Clay pits and also keeps the bus shelter in a clean and tidy state, also thanks to Tony for keeping the Llanteague chapel grounds neat and tidy. If anyone feels they can spare some time to weed and cut grass with us it would be greatly appreciated.

Finally, thanks go to Jill Roberts for organising our community walks throughout the past year, which after this winter I’m sure we are all looking forward to some drier ones in 2018.

Thank you.

Roy James

Mary proposed a vote of thanks to Roy for chairing the meetings throughout the year.  

Election of Committee

The following Officers were elected:

Chairman – Roy James
Secretary – Sue James
Treasurer _ Mary Megarry
100 Club –  Mary Megarry

Ruth Roberts agreed to continue as Publicity Officer, running the village website and compiling the Newsletter.

Jill Roberts is our Community walks co-ordinator

Sue James agreed to continue as Minutes Secretary.

All the existing members present agreed to stay on the Committee, Sue to check with absent members to ensure they are happy to continue.

This concluded the AGM